Milonga Seminar: Fundamentals
kr 1000 – kr 1800
Welcome to Milonga Seminar!
We will learn fundamentals for dancing milonga.
Seminar suits all levels.
Seminar suits all levels.
*No need to bring a partner.
*If you want to learn opposite role, you are welcome.
*Course will be taught in English.
*If you want to learn opposite role, you are welcome.
*Course will be taught in English.
Here’s what you can expect when you sign up:
*Fundamentals to start dansing milonga or organise your milonga dance.
*Basic milonga repertoire.
Date and time:
12-13.oct @12:00-14:00
Studio64, Kirkeveien 64A, 0364 Oslo
Olga Vladi Pogorelova
*Fundamentals to start dansing milonga or organise your milonga dance.
*Basic milonga repertoire.
Date and time:
12-13.oct @12:00-14:00
Studio64, Kirkeveien 64A, 0364 Oslo
Olga Vladi Pogorelova
Price (Early Bird before 30.sept/Regular):
*Single pass NOK1000/1200
*Couple pass NOK1800/2100