1-2.jun Weekend with Tomas Galvan and Gimena Herrera in Oslo

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Welcome to workshops and milonga with Tomas Galvan and Gimena Herrera in Oslo 1-2 June!

Tomas Galvan and Gimena Herrera are two of the most requested artists in today’s Argentine tango. They toured United States, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Mexico and China, integrating important dance companies from Argentina and the United States; also as masters of  tango dance. They performed at the world famous Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, at the “Vail international dance festival” and “Israel international festival” with the show “Romper el piso” as choreography assistants and dancers. They created diverse choreographies, for dance groups and artistic education institutions of Argentina.

Tomas and Gimena were honored with an invitation to Rome to dance at the Pope Francis’ birthday party. They were sub champions of the Buenos Aires tango dance metropolitan championship 2009, where more than 200 dancing couples competed. They were finalists in the tango dance world championship. They have appeared in theatres around the world, receiving excellent reviews where they went. Read more about them here.

1-2 of June they will honour us with their tango in Oslo- their first stop in European tour!



Workshops on Saturday and Sunday day time @ EWA TRELA DANS,  Christian Krohgs gate 2 A, 0186, Oslo.

Milonga and performans @Milonga Artesanal, Rosenkrantz’ gate 7, 0159 Oslo.

Saturday 01.Jun @EWA TRELA DANS
12:00-13:30 WP1: El abrazo : “Nothing is permanent, elastic situation, isolation, exercises.” All levels.
13:30-15:00 WP2: Boleos: development, moments of execution, different possibilities. All levels.
Sunday 02.Jun @EWA TRELA DANS
12:00-13:30 WP3: Ganchos and engaches: What is ganchos? Different possibilities, exercises. All levels.
13:30-15:00 WP4: Sacadas, circular, exercises. Inter-Advance level.
19:00-24:00: Milonga
ca 21:30: Performance
TDJ: Trud


Prices (Regular/Early Bird before 20.may):

1xWS:  NOK 350/300

2xWS: NOK 600/510

3xWSs: NOK 850/750

4xWs: NOK 1100/990

4WS+Milonga: NOK 1250/1150

Only Milonga: 200 NOK (there will be no discounts this evening). Payment at the door.

All tickets are not refundable, however, you can give your pass to another person.